by Sheila | Apr 1, 2014 | All That Is, Blog
Last year I wrote this Book Review: Inferno by Dan Brown in which I stated “Dan Brown has been an inspiration to me for years. His novels always seem to expand my understandings and help me to bring words to the very things that I am processing at the time.” This post is a perfect example…” As a human race we have become infatuated with creating a world of black and white, good and evil. This polarized view helps to justify acts of war and segregation. It is our desire to be understood, coupled by our unwillingness to understand that is reflected in the current state of our world. Whether it is a bombing, a shooting or any other desperate act, people immediately say “I don’t understand how anyone could do that…” When I express compassion and understanding for the multitude of factors that lead the violence it makes people uncomfortable. It is as if my ability to understand is interpreted as an acceptance or endorsement of the behavior. Even more it is interpreted as a disregard to the identified victims. I would say that we are all victims and we are all perpetrators of each of these acts of violence. And this is the very reason many people refuse to understand others’ point of view. If we take the time to understand all the levels that influence those we wish to label Evil, we will in fact find that what we see in others is also within us. Perhaps it is the fear of understanding ALL the layers of ourselves that shields us from understanding others and keeps...
by connie | Feb 14, 2014 | All That Is, Love
I am excited to share with you a newly uploaded video (YouTube) on Twin Flames ~ True and Spiritual Love. Click this link, Twin Flame Union via Solara, to access. The term Twin Flame has been getting a lot of attention these days. In part because so many people are reconnecting with deep soul mates as a gateway to living in Oneness and unconditional love. As you may know from Enchanted One, the Twin flame Union was a significant aspect of my journey to living in Unconditional Love. In this video I share my understanding of the Twin Flame Union through Harmonic Union of Alpha and Omega. My understanding of the Twin Flame Union is unique and just might be the missing piece you are looking for! Let me know what you think and if you have other questions about Twin Flames in the comment section below. I am happy to share my perspective with you! I also invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and would be most grateful if you share this link with others you think might be interested: I have am now uploading a new video daily, so there is bound to be something new each time you visit. This is a wonderful and easy way for me to share with you messages from Spirit and information that can support you in living a joy filled and loving life. Want to learn more about Twin Flames? Here are several earlier posts on my blog you may be interested in exploring: LOVE’S DESIRE: a Poem for My Twin Flame “What if?” –...
by connie | Jan 10, 2014 | All That Is, Events, Spiritual Journey, The Life You Desire
Dear Friends, I hope you will join me this weekend; I am honored to be a guest speaker/presenter at NY IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) and I look forward to showing you how you can live each day in heaven on earth. Tonight, January 10, 6-9 PM, *Holiday Inn Electronics Parkway I will share with you my month long journey of teetering between life and death - a journey that eventually lead me to living heaven on earth. The message I bring to you is that You Don’t Have to Die to Live in Heaven. Registration for Friday talk starts at 6:00 pm. Meeting begins promptly at 6:30 pm. $5 at the door. No advance sales. Sunday, January 12, 2-4 PM Workshop, *Holiday in Electronics Parkway You Don’t Have to Die To Live in Heaven ~ Many people long for the feeling of peaceful bliss associated with near death experiences. Learn to bring that bliss into your daily life. Through the gift of guided meditation, I will teach you not only to visit these beautiful places but to integrate them into your life so that you an truly live the life of your dreams. Fee $20. Space is limited ~ Pre-registration is recommended. CLICK HERE to contact Sheila for more information. *Holiday Inn 441 Electronics Parkway Liverpool, NY 13088 For Directions Click Here For more information about these and all events at Upstate NY IANDS, visit Please Pass this along to family & friends as these events are open to the public. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is...
by connie | Nov 28, 2013 | All That Is
Last year at this time I posted the Iroquois Thanksgiving Address which is recited before every ceremony and every meeting held within the confederacy. I’d like to share this post again this year as this message of gratitude is a powerful one. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The Iroquois Thanksgiving Address In Grace and Oneness Sheila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...
by connie | Oct 15, 2013 | All That Is
My Dear Friends, Do you feel the time has come to create a conscious Earth? Are you prepared to help co-create it? Read on if your answer is yes! I’m reaching out to you about something that might be valuable for you, your family and the whole of the Earth. It is a live virtual summit that I am sponsoring called Global Oneness Day 2013. I think you’ll see why I am sponsoring this after you read a little further. The program that has been put together is global. It will be very powerful and it is complimentary. Erwin Schrodinger, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933, said “Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.” Eighty years have passed but few have this awareness. Global Oneness Day was created to heal the illusion of separation that has such a powerful grip on the Earth. Even though scientists and notables have been sharing for some time that everything is connected, we are one, the world’s institutions, organizations and cultures are based almost entirely on separation and this has created the chronic and acute problems we see in every sphere of society. When we see we are One it leads us out because Oneness creates a culture of solidarity and a culture of solidarity creates compassionate service to each other and the world around us. I, along with the United Nations, Humanity’s Team, The Association for Global New Thought and NGO’s around the world am calling for an awakened world, a culture of solidarity and a compassionate and sustainable Earth. Will you join with us? Will...
by connie | Aug 13, 2013 | All That Is, Spiritual Journey
In a recent blog post I outlined Five Tips to Help Consciously Embrace Those Pivotal Moments in Life. In that post I discussed a profound pivotal moment in my life that sent me on a journey of exploration and mastery that led to my life as a Spiritual Seer, Teacher and Author. In today’s post I would like to expand on that discussion by sharing with you an excerpt from a conversation - an interview – I had with Mr. Bill Berry, Jr. Bill is the Publisher and CEO of aaduna and a member of the Rockford Kingsley’s Advisory Board. This interview was published on the Rockford Kingsley website in 2012. Interview With Sheila Applegate bill berry, jr. bill: Sheila Applegate, I have been looking forward to “turning the tables” on you since our conversation, a few months ago, on your radio program, “Enchanted One,” which can be heard on Wednesdays from 1:30 – 2 PM CST on the Co-Creator Radio Network ( [Did you like that promo? lol] You are an accomplished therapist, author, spiritual seer, and dear friend though that loving friend status will not protect you from any probing or critical questions! Let’s get started…describe your childhood, and what major events influenced where you steered your life as a high school and/or college student? Sheila: Thank you Bill~ It was so much fun to have you as a guest on my radio show and I am looking forward to this chance to have you take the lead … so bring it on! As you know, everything in life unfolds perfectly which means my childhood was a weaving...