Sheila Applegate in a “Room Full of Sisters”

Room Full Of Sisters by Mona Lake Jones

A room full of sisters like jewels in a crown
Vanilla, Cinnamon and Dark Chocolate Brown
Now picture yourself in the mist of this glory
As I describe the sisters who are a part of this story…..

In 1994, my dear friend Melina Carnicelli, was so inspired by this poem that she gathered a group of friends together for a luncheon to celebrate the sisterhood of All Women.  That year Melina expected a group of about 20 but over 90 women showed up.  Melina knew that she had stumbled onto something special.  The Room Full of Sisters became an annual event in Auburn, New York.

Melina says that through Room Full of Sisters she creates “a container to hold all of who we are.”

This is exactly what happens at this annual luncheon!  I have had the honor of celebrating the joys of sisterhood with thousands of women over the past 10 years that I have participated.  The day includes guest speakers, book signings, shopping, networking and celebration.  Mona Lake Jones often attends to read the poem that inspired this event and my dear sisters in Spirit, the Shenandoah Trio offer the gift of music.

My daughter, Sarah Applegate



For me, A Room Full of Sisters has also become a special day of sharing with my daughter who has attended with me each year since she was seven!  This year I overheard several people tell her that they recognized her as the host of Our Voice Now Humanity’s Team radio.  I smiled knowing that it is events like these that inspired her to share her voice with the world at such a young age.




Sometimes remembering to Celebrate our Unity is one of the greatest gifts we offer each other. The creativity and passion that is inspired at events like these allow new and vibrant projects to grow. What part of your work feels like a celebration to you? What creative ideas have come from these moments of celebration?


Sheila Applegate


  • As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment.  “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its fullest.  Let me show you how…”
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