Radio Interview: Empowering Talk Radio
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 @ 9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central, 6 pm Pacific

Join Sheila as she speaks with Chantel Upson, host of Your Magnificent Journey Awaits You, about THE SHIFT ~ what to expect as we approach December 21, 2012

Call into the show at 512-772-1938 ext.1 or Skype us at call-in1


Sheila Applegate


As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author and teacher, Sheila Applegate’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion and integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Sheila’s new book Enchanted One: The Portal to Love is scheduled for release December 27, 2012.

To connect with Sheila and receive a FREE 10-minute Guided Meditation, click here.

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