A Barnes and Noble Event to Remember Thanks to YOU!

Thank you to everyone who attended my book signing and discussion at Barnes & Noble last night.  It was such a delight to see everyone.  Such wonderful energy in the group.  We filled the store with standing room only.  The staff at Barnes and Noble said it was the largest audience they have seen at one of their author events.  We sold out at over 50 books and the store is ordering more for those who could not get their copy last night.  I will go in to the store and  the books when they arrive.  So be sure to stop in next week to get a copy if you did not get one last night. Thank you again to all who came and all who helped to make this event a great success.  I look forward to seeing you at the next event! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...

Please Join Me (Sheila Applegate) at Healing Inspirations, July 27th

Hi Dear Readers! If you’re from Central New York, please join me on July 27:  1pm at Healing Inspirations for a “meet and greet”, discussion, meditation and book signing. Click “HERE” for more details. Healing Inspirations is a Reiki Healing and Learning Center Offering Reiki Services & More.  It is located at 215 First St. in the Village of Liverpool, NY (Across from The Retreat Restaurant) This event is FREE and open to the public so PLEASE help me spread the word.  AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Looking forward to seeing you all in person! In Grace and Oneness~ Sheila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...

Event: Please Join Me (Sheila Applegate) at the Energy Lounge, July 13th

Hi Dear Readers! If you’re from Central New York, please join me on July 13: 5pm at The Energy Lounge, 21R Water Street, Baldwinsville, NY for a discussion, meditation and book signing.  The Energy Lounge is celebrating their “RE-Grand Opening” and I am pleased to be able to share in their excitement. This event is FREE and open to the public so PLEASE help me spread the word.  AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Looking forward to seeing you all in person! In Grace and Oneness~ Sheila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...

Save the Date: July 16th Sheila Applegate is Reading at Barnes & Noble in Dewitt, NY

I love to go to Barnes & Noble.  It is one of my favorite places.  I touch books, flip through them… feel their energy.  I can be in there for hours drinking a Toffee Nut Latte and getting lost in the vibration of all the beautiful books.  My kids love the book store just as much as I do; spending time there is actually one of our favorite family activities.  In fact I took my son to LA a couple years ago and we basically toured various B&Ns the whole trip! So you can imagine how excited I was to see copies of my book in the Spiritual section of our local Barnes & Noble.  I am even more excited to ask you to save the date for my own appearance there!  So mark your calendar… I will be at the DeWitt (NY) Barnes and Noble on July 16 at 7pm for an Enchanted One book discussion and signing.  Please come!  Grab your favorite Starbucks beverage and prepare to be Enchanted.  Looking forward to seeing you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its fullest.”  Sheila is currently offering this giveaway, a $200...
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