by connie | Jan 14, 2013 | All That Is, Divine Feminine, Ego, Enchanted One, Love, Meditation, Relationships, Spiritual Journey, Virtual Book Tour
Greetings! Are you Loving my Virtual Book Tour as much as I am? So many wonderful blog and radio hosts! Today’s Stop on the tour is an audio interview on Intensely Positive! Kelvin Ringold and I have a great time discussing his experience reading Enchanted One and answering his questions. I know you will enjoy the lively dialogue. Kelvin is positive, upbeat and uplifting. Not only is he a motivational speaker and life coach, he is also the photographer of those amazing new head-shots that I’ve been using of late! You can Click Here to listen to the interview. Please ENJOY And share it with others by posting or forwarding! Remember there is still time to win the Amazon Gift Cards (you can enter daily!) and the Individual Session with me. Click Here for Details on this special contest. In Gratitude and Oneness~ Sheila PS ~Thank You to everyone who has written a review on Amazon! If you would like to support me in reaching the world with this message of love please take a moment to share your thoughts about Enchanted One: The Portal To Love on Amazon (click here to write amazon...