by connie | Mar 6, 2014 | Events, Meditation
Hello Dear Readers! Can you believe it? Spring is on its’ way! The Vernal Equinox is a moment of perfect harmony, when the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies align, bringing day and night into equal balance. To be in balance does not mean we are static; quite the contrary, it is an ever- changing, fluid process of discovery. We are not seeking or looking for balance; it is our natural state. To rediscover this equilibrium we must cultivate harmony within. This alignment is manifested through an opening of the Heart, the gateway between the material and the spiritual realms, essential for the subsequent alignment of the 7 Energy Centers that permeate the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. Join Energy Healers Sheila Applegate and Katrin Naumann for a profoundly healing Meditation to unleash the Vital Life Force that has lain dormant in the Root. Experience expansion and release, as this dynamic Creative Energy Flow springs forth, drawn toward the Light of the Higher Self. SPRING AWAKENING MEDITATION AT CNY HEALING ARTS 195 INTREPID LANE Syracuse, NY Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 6-7:30 pm. Cost is $25. Please arrive early to sign in. We will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. Call 315-671-5755 to reserve your space. In Oneness, Sheila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and...
by connie | Dec 24, 2013 | Meditation
Dear Friends, I am sharing a World Wide Christmas Meditation today, December 24 at 10 am EST via the Web. Join us! Listen Live or to the Replay at your convenience: ( ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...
by connie | Dec 12, 2013 | Events, Meditation, The Life You Desire
WARM GREETINGS EVERYONE! I’m wishing you moments of love and joy throughout this holiday season. What a special time of year, as people from around the world join together in a celebration of light and joy. I invite you to join me at CNY Healing Arts Center on December 20, at 7:30 PM for a celebration of the Season. I will bring forth a message of Love from Spirit and guide you in a meditation to help you bring the peace and joy of this wonderful season into your heart. (Heart Donation suggested.) If you’ve never been to the CNY Healing Arts Center you’re in for a treat. It’s a beautiful facility! Enchanted One books, Enchanted Garden CDs and Gift Certificates will be available for your last minute shopping. Many Blessings to you during this Sacred Season. I hope to see you these special events. With Love and Grace, Sheila PS ~ Mark your Calendars for January 10 and 12, 2014! I am predicting wonderful things for 2014 and we kick the year off with two special events. January 10, 6-9 PM at Holiday Inn Electronics Parkway Upstate NY IANDS (International Association for Near-death Studies) As Guest Speaker, I will share my near death experience, a journey that eventually led to me live in Heaven on Earth. The message I bring to you is that You Don’t Have to Die to Live in Heaven. January 12, 2-4 PM ~ Workshop~ at Holiday in Electronics Parkway You Don’t Have to Die To Live in Heaven~ Many people long for the feeling of peaceful bliss associated with near death experiences. Learn...
by connie | Aug 20, 2013 | Meditation, Radio Interview
Hi Friends, I would love to share the following recordings with you. I’ve participated in some wonderful interviews over time and the links below make them (at least some of them) easy to find. Thank you to all the hosts who invited me to share my story and my book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love. Intensely Positive: Master Your Mindset and Master Your Life, Enchanted One: Portal to Love — An Interview Planetary Spirit: Spirited Interviews w Radio Host…JeffF., An in-depth (spiritual not religious) interview. Spiritual But Not Religious: An Interview with Seer & Psychic Sheila Applegate Empowered Healer with Dr. Susan Allison, Choosing Love with Sheila Applegate, MSW Our Voice Now ~ Humanity’s Team: Third Eye and Dreaming (a great interview with my teen daughter…) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...
by connie | Jul 13, 2013 | Events, Meditation, The Portal to Love
Hi Dear Readers! If you’re from Central New York, please join me on July 27: 1pm at Healing Inspirations for a “meet and greet”, discussion, meditation and book signing. Click “HERE” for more details. Healing Inspirations is a Reiki Healing and Learning Center Offering Reiki Services & More. It is located at 215 First St. in the Village of Liverpool, NY (Across from The Retreat Restaurant) This event is FREE and open to the public so PLEASE help me spread the word. AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Looking forward to seeing you all in person! In Grace and Oneness~ Sheila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...