by Sheila | Apr 7, 2014 | Spiritual Journey
There is a transition of energy coming into the world that many people are referring to as the “New Earth Energy”. This is marked by the 21st century only because humans have insisted on putting much energy into this date. This form of timing is meaningless to the energy however; nonetheless humans have chosen this time to mark the shift in energy that is occurring. This increase in energy is resulting in new gifts, abilities and truths. Rays of traditional teachings of separateness are becoming obsolete. This shift is being labeled ”new earth energy”, however, this is an illusion. The energy that is being spoken of has existed since the beginning of time. It is the Energy of pure Love in the highest form and an understanding of Oneness. History shows many people whom have understood and accessed this energy. Jesus, Buddha and the Peacemaker along with many other spiritual leaders had access to this energy throughout their entire lifetimes. Others such as St. Francis and Hiawatha were awakened to this energy through tragedy, illness or deep spiritual reverence. The shift that is occurring at this time has increased the amount of Pure Love energy available for transformation on the earth plane. This is the result of deep work and dedication leading to the evolution of human spirits. This shift in Energy is allowing more humans to access this energy in its fullest form, more than any other time in history. This energy shift is evident in numerous ways: * Dreams are intensified. At first there may be an increase in what one would call nightmares...
by connie | Jan 13, 2014 | Spiritual Journey, The Life You Desire, Uncategorized
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? Have you given this much thought? You may be one of many people who are well on your way on the path of awakening to remembering Oneness. Or you may be one of the many people who are struggling to find your way along that path, either consciously or unconsciously. So often, while on the path of awakening, we separate our spiritual practice from our earthly experience. Each of us has our own path to follow and there are many wonderful practices and means (remembrances) of expressing our spirituality along the way. Do you attend church or temple? If so, how often do you attend? Perhaps you have a prayer ritual? Or maybe you meditate? If so, are these daily practices or do you tend to call upon them in times of need? Awakening to remembering Oneness is a very personal journey: there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. However… I firmly believe that as wonderful as these practices are, you will benefit by finding ways to integrate these remembrances into your daily routine. And guess what! There’s even an “App” for that! If you’re “plugged in” as they say, there are now apps that you can download into your phone or iPad that will chime throughout the day reminding you to stop take notice. If you have a device that is capable of such apps simply search “Prayer Chimes” and find one that feels correct to you. If such an app is not available for your phone, try programing the alarm clock to chime throughout your day. If...
by connie | Oct 15, 2013 | All That Is
My Dear Friends, Do you feel the time has come to create a conscious Earth? Are you prepared to help co-create it? Read on if your answer is yes! I’m reaching out to you about something that might be valuable for you, your family and the whole of the Earth. It is a live virtual summit that I am sponsoring called Global Oneness Day 2013. I think you’ll see why I am sponsoring this after you read a little further. The program that has been put together is global. It will be very powerful and it is complimentary. Erwin Schrodinger, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933, said “Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.” Eighty years have passed but few have this awareness. Global Oneness Day was created to heal the illusion of separation that has such a powerful grip on the Earth. Even though scientists and notables have been sharing for some time that everything is connected, we are one, the world’s institutions, organizations and cultures are based almost entirely on separation and this has created the chronic and acute problems we see in every sphere of society. When we see we are One it leads us out because Oneness creates a culture of solidarity and a culture of solidarity creates compassionate service to each other and the world around us. I, along with the United Nations, Humanity’s Team, The Association for Global New Thought and NGO’s around the world am calling for an awakened world, a culture of solidarity and a compassionate and sustainable Earth. Will you join with us? Will...
by connie | Jun 1, 2013 | Books, Events
Last week I had the honor of being present at the Lincoln Center for Dan Brown‘s celebration to release his newest novel “Inferno“. Dan Brown has been an inspiration to me for years. His novels always seem to expand my understandings and help me to bring words to the very things that I am processing at the time. Even though I am very public with the messages that I bring forth from Spirit, behind the scenes, I am always exploring a deeper layer of understanding and Oneness that is in a space where my words are not yet ripe. Dan’s novels seem to ripen my words, leaving me with the feeling that we are drawing from the same source. Inferno is no exception. To be honest I never even gave a thought to what this book would be about. Not for a second did I even think of the title and what it would infer. Not until Dan began to describe his past three years in hell! Of course! Inferno is based on the Dante’s Inferno, reaching Paradise after going into the 7 layers of hell. I have spent the past few years exploring the darkness as a gateway to Oneness. As my friend says “I sit in the darkness but it is the light that I wield.” I believe that to truly embody Oneness is to remember that Nothing is outside of Oneness. If Oneness truly is All that Is, then this must include everything. Even those darker shades of grey that frighten us. So I have spent countless hours in meditation guiding the “underworld” energies into the...
by connie | May 25, 2013 | All That Is, Spiritual Journey, The Life You Desire, The Portal to Love
There is a huge Shift happening in our world NOW and it brings us a VIBRANT NEW EARTH! We are waking to a renewed understanding of Oneness and a strong reminder that we are all connected. We are expanding from an intellectual understanding and remembrance to head/heart-centered understanding that allows us to both know and feel the truth of this Shift on an individual and global level. Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its fullest. In this space you are capable of embracing your relationships, family, finances, careers and most importantly – your spiritual journey - with passion and unconditional love, bringing about a state of pure joy on earth. The most meaningful way for me to share this journey with you is through my Enchanted One ~ Portal to Love Membership Program. I have been working behind the scenes for months in order to create a new Vibrant Portal To Love Membership website that I know you will absolutely love. It is ready now and I am excited to share it with you! In this program I offer you my latest thoughts and insights. I will reach my hand out to meet you where you are and gently guide you to the life of love and joy that you are seeking. With The Portal To Love Membership you will receive personalized guidance and direct contact with me on an ongoing basis. Including a LIVE monthly class, weekly guided meditations, frequent recordings of NEW Channeled Messages that include Insights into Current Energy Waves effecting your daily life. You will...