Join Me in Meditation in Celebration of the Holiday Season

WARM GREETINGS EVERYONE!  I’m wishing you moments of love and joy throughout this holiday season. What a special time of year, as people from around the world join together in a celebration of light and joy. I invite you to join me at CNY Healing Arts Center on December 20, at 7:30 PM for a celebration of the Season.  I will bring forth a message of Love from Spirit and guide you in  a meditation to help you bring the peace and joy of this wonderful season into your heart.  (Heart Donation suggested.)  If you’ve never been to the CNY Healing Arts Center you’re in for a treat.  It’s a beautiful facility! Enchanted One books, Enchanted Garden CDs and Gift Certificates will be available for your last minute shopping. Many Blessings to you during this Sacred Season.  I hope to see you these special events. With Love and Grace, Sheila PS ~ Mark your Calendars for January 10 and 12, 2014! I am predicting wonderful things for 2014 and we kick the year off with two special events. January 10, 6-9 PM at Holiday Inn Electronics Parkway Upstate NY IANDS  (International Association for Near-death Studies) As Guest Speaker, I will share my near death experience, a journey that eventually led to me live in  Heaven on Earth.  The message I bring to you is that You Don’t Have to Die to Live in Heaven. January 12, 2-4 PM ~ Workshop~ at Holiday in Electronics Parkway You Don’t Have to Die To Live in Heaven~  Many people long for the feeling of peaceful bliss associated with near death experiences. Learn...

What Comes After Peace?

It is a great Honor to be a featured writer on The Global Conversation, an online spiritual newspaper created by Neale Donald Walsch, author of the best-selling “Conversations with God” books. Click Here to Read the Article Please leave a comment at the bottom of the article describing what you imagine the Vibrant New Earth to Look like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. In celebration of the release of Enchanted One, Sheila is offering this raffle contest for multiple chances to win one of two Amazon Gift Cards. TAKE NOTE (if I may be so bold)! PLEASE… Share your thoughts and comments below and to show my appreciation and support I am making this special offer (in addition to the raffle contest offer above!). (Click all links for...
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