I Saw the Tree by Sheila Gessler (Applegate)

A few weeks ago I was a guest on Awakening Your Soul With Diahanna. During the interview I recalled a paper I wrote in High-school English. The assignment was to write a story about something “Ten Feet High”.  I remember waking up in the middle of the night with the entire paper flowing from my heart. The story recounted the crucifixion of Jesus through  Magdalene’s eyes. I wondered if perhaps this was the first time I channeled Magdalene…so many years before she came to comfort and walk with me through my own grief and awakening….So many years before I knew that I was a messenger of Spirit. An amazing thing happened after remembering this paper. Less than a week later, my mother handed me an envelope which contained the very paper I was referring to. It seems I had given my childhood Pastor a copy of this paper for his Silver Wedding Anniversary. He just came across it and thought that I might like to see it. Neither my Pastor nor my mother had heard the radio show in which I had just recalled this story. As I opened the envelope I felt the timelessness of my love for my  Sister, Magdalene and her Beloved. Now I can share with you, my very first Channeled Message from Magdalene… “Ten Feet” no longer feels out of reach… and I am grateful that beyond the grief is endless love.   “I Saw The Tree” By Sheila Gessler  (Applegate) It stood in solitude on a hill, all alone surrounded by a crowd of screaming people. The dead tree of salvation standing “Ten...
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