Twin Flame Union via Solara

I am excited to share with you a newly uploaded video (YouTube) on Twin Flames ~ True and Spiritual Love. Click this link, Twin Flame Union via Solara, to access.  The term Twin Flame has been getting a lot of attention these days. In part because so many people are reconnecting with deep soul mates as a gateway to living in Oneness and unconditional love.  As you may know from Enchanted One, the Twin flame Union was a significant aspect of my journey to living in Unconditional Love. In this video I share my understanding of the Twin Flame Union through Harmonic Union of Alpha and Omega. My understanding of the Twin Flame Union is unique and just might be the missing piece you are looking for! Let me know what you think and if you have other questions about Twin Flames in the comment section below. I am happy to share my perspective with you!   I also invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and would be most grateful if you share this link with others you think might be interested:  I have am now uploading a new video daily, so there is bound to be something new each time you visit. This is a wonderful and easy way for me to share with you messages from Spirit and information that can support you in living a joy filled and loving life.   Want to learn  more about Twin Flames? Here are several earlier posts on my blog you may be interested in exploring: LOVE’S DESIRE: a Poem for My Twin Flame “What if?” –...
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