by connie | Mar 31, 2011 | Meditation, Teenagers
Several weeks ago during a workshop I taught on intuition, one of the participants asked me for a meditation to use with the teens. I promised to post a downloadable meditation that would be directed toward teens. It took me a little while to do this; mostly because I was not sure what would be different in a meditation for teens verses the adults I tend to work with. I have two beautiful teenagers who have both been raised with meditation and communication with the Spirit world as a natural part of their lives. I decided that I would use the Meditation Download as a way of talking directly to the teens who are seeking something deeper. Before branching out into my work as a Spiritual Seer, Healer and Teacher, I was a child and family therapist specializing in work with teens and preteens. In this audio I draw on my memories of that time. My intention was to use words that would be acceptable in both school and therapy settings. I hope that I have done this. As I focused on the teens in my life, I have felt a rising passion to share my knowledge and insights with you as well. Yesterday on Enchanted One radio I gave an overview of some of my thoughts about embracing today’s teens. On Sunday April 3, I will host a live Tele-class about loving Teens unconditionally and embracing the teens in our lives as perfect mirrors of transformation. I am excited to surrender into the Divine Feminine with a direct message about this powerful developmental stage. I will also offer...
by connie | Mar 31, 2011 | Events
I hope you enjoy the...
by connie | Jan 28, 2011 | Spiritual Journey
WOW! What an amazing year 2011 is so far…and its only been one month! The energies are so powerful. as we enter this year of co-creating. The general theme that I am seeing in my own life and the people around me, is dreams coming true. So many people are seeing long term dreams finally manifesting into their physical reality. We have finally arrived! Instant manifestation is no longer a theory it is a way of being! Take time to celebrate and rest into this… it is only the beginning. As we step into the fullness of a light filled life, many people are also expressing a dance with their shadows surfacing. This is a natural reaction to stepping into the light. Remember it is the dance between light and shadows that allows us to experience the full spectrum of color which makes our lives so incredibly beautiful! Allow the sacred dance to be simply that.. a dance. Rest into the emotions as they arise. Be compassionate with your ego side, reminding your primitive self that it has nothing to fear. Then simply draw your attention back to all the joys you are experiencing in this wonderful time. Enjoy! As you know, it has always been my passion to empower people through teaching them to embrace their own spiritual gifts. As I have grown in my own process of awakening to the Enchanted One, the gifts that I have to offer you have also evolved. For me, this past year has been a year of integration. I am overjoyed to say that I am now experiencing an enchanted life...
by connie | Dec 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
Twin flames, Soul mates, Soul family are all topics getting a lot of attentions these days. I think that is good because it shows that we are evolving and beginning to remember our connectedness. There is however a lot of confusion about what these words mean. I believe it’s important to think about definitions and what this mean to each one of us and to stay open. I believe that the one thing that divides each of us more than anything else is language. So, when I speak I try to use the broadest language I can to define the different categories or the different concepts but if you need to translate that into your own language, (I don’t really mean Spanish or German, but if that’s what it is that’s okay too), but basically what you feel in your heart, what you call the Creator, what you call twin flames, what you call soul family. It’s the concepts. That’s why the meditations are so important because you feel rather than think what you’re learning. One time a while ago I asked the Creator to show me how to define what we’re talking about. First of all this whole essay is an illusion. Let’s just start with that because in reality we are all a piece of God and so we are all a soul family and there is no division whatsoever. We’re all just as connected to each other and we’re all a piece of the Creator. However, in our Earth experience, which is more drawn out and more linear we feel different connections to different souls and one...
by connie | Nov 18, 2010 | All That Is, Ego, Enchanted One, Uncategorized
On our Journey to remembering our Union with God, The Creator, All That Is we must move beyond our basic instinct of survival. We must open to a greater truth… surrender our lives not to the small human self of the ego but to our Higher Spiritual Self that is One with Creation. The closer we get to pure surrender and union with All That Is the more the Ego self cries out to be heard. The greatest misconception on the Journey to One~ness is that we must overcome the ego….for in a place of One~ness nothing is outside of ourselves. Everything is God! Separation is an illusion. The ego, the little “I,” is a natural result of our expanding consciousness that allows us to experience the Earth’s gifts. As a result, humans began to feel separate from God. The part of God that we are as souls began to believe that we were separate…we began to fear for our survival, and the ego formed to protect us. Responding to the emotions of fear, anger was the ego’s job, because in the days of survival fear indicated a threat to our lives. And so the little ego of ours did well by us. In order for this great experiment to work we the ego was created with the primitive instinct to stay “alive” at all costs. Think about this the “ego” as we have come to call it is the primitive instinctual part of us that is focused on survival. Since the beginning of time or should we say the “creation of time” this part of us has had...