Enchanted One: A guide to embracing love in every moment…

In Enchanted One, I share with you my journey of going deep within and learning to love unconditionally in earth through all of life experiences in my daily life. And I also draw on two of the most beautiful vibrations of love: Isis and Magdalene…. Whether you are beginning your journey of exploring emotions and living in unconditional love, or you have journeyed deep within your soul and are on the verge of fully integrating Divine Love into every aspect of your life, this book will meet you where you are and gently guide you to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author and teacher, Sheila Applegate’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion and integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Sheila’s new book Enchanted One: The Portal to Love is scheduled for release in December, 2012. www.sheilaapplegate.com To connect with Sheila and receive a FREE 10-minute Guided Meditation, click...

Love and Romance

This is the time of year, as Valentine’s Day approaches, when our attention turns to Romance. Human beings complicate love, as we attempt to taste the truth of this powerful emotion while at the same time constructing rules to protect ourselves from its passion. Our dance with Romantic love is the craziest of all. We humans, as a race, have created so many rules and structures around the primary relationship of romantic love, trying to dance in its vibration without actually immersing ourselves in its power. We construct rules of behavior around these relationships to create an illusion of safety, pretending we are opening our hearts to true love’s passion while remaining frozen and motionless behind our screen of fear. The truth is we must first open our hearts, and then passion will fill us in all our relationships. When we are truly willing to open our hearts to love, we are committing to allowing Divine Love to flow through us at all times, to dropping our attachment to form, and to being willing to feel the emotions of pain, grief, anger, and fear while allowing the peace of Love to flow through our open hearts . So often, we close our hearts to protect ourselves from the emotions that we have dreamed unsafe, but when we close our heart to one emotion, we close it to all emotions, even love. I invite you to be willing to open your heart, to risk experiencing the full spectrum of emotions, for it is this space that you will watch as the Divine Enchanted One-ness fills your heart with the Passion...
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