What Does It Mean to FEEL God?

God does not Give Love~ God IS love …an Endless flow of Love that is moving through us and in us in every moment. An Endless Flow of Love that IS us. When we place our attention on this Endless Flow Of Love that IS God, we FEEL God. Sometimes we think we are placing our attention on God’s Love when we are actually placing our attention on the illusion of God/Love’s absence. When we are focused on TRYING to feel God’s Love, our attention is on the feeling of its absence. When we pray for God’s Love and support we are really just making an intention to place our attention back into God’s endless flow of Love. When we follow that prayer a shift into Silent Receiving we Feel the Flow of God’s Love and we know that our prayer has been answered. When we continue to TRY and ASK and PRAY for that Love rather than shifting our attention to its Silent Receiving then we do not FEEL the Endless Flow of Love that is God and we think perhaps our prayers have not been answered. We think we are not good enough. Perhaps we focus our attention on all the things we don’t like about ourselves. This leads us to placing more and more attention on the feeling of separation from God’s Love and we feel less and less connected. Maybe we look for flaws to heal within ourselves so that God will answer our prayers. That process of healing can become a gateway back to feeling the flow of God’s Love again: when we feel...

Live on the Portal to Love: Divine Valentine ~ The Alchemy of Love

Hello Dear Friends, I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to our Live Portal To Love Class this Thursday, February 6, 2014 at 8PM EST The class topic? Link Here for the Details  (Then Go to The Monthly Portal Call page) If you are not yet a Portal To Love Member simply go visit www.sheilaapplegate.org and sign up for your free month trial membership.  This will give you access to the Live Portal to Love class and SO MUCH MORE! Be sure to visit the membership site www.sheilaapplegate.org for February for the monthly mission and access the weekly meditations. Don’t miss the Wave Watching Channel that I posted today. Sarahi ( Daughter of Jesus and Magdalene) introduces her Self and claims her role in ushering in the Vibrant New Earth.  SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE MONTH TRIAL (Explore the site for a month and if you don’t love all that it has to offer simply unsubscribe before the month end and pay nothing) See you on the Call! In Oneness Sheila Image Source: AllBuzzConsidered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its...

LOVE’S DESIRE: a Poem for My Twin Flame

LOVE’S DESIRE Crystal Clear My Vision is. Once Clouded by Desire’s Mist. Love Beyond Form I promised you Then Abandoned Myself in Desire of That Love’s Potential. Tasting the salt on my lips… I wipe the Tears from My Eyes Opening my Heart to Love Us Both. Not What We Could Be But Who We are. This Love Flows once again As Strong and Wide as the Ocean’s Deep Blue Embrace… Love Beyond Form I Promise You This  Love Never Ends. By Sheila Applegate (2008) This  poem was written in the year following my twin flame‘s death. It speaks of surrendering into love that is beyond all of our earthly limitations and desires, trusting in the eternity of our union and welcoming the new form of partnership that follows earthly death. You can read more about Twin Flames here: Introduction to Twin Souls and Soulmates Twin Flames, Soulmates & Oneness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   As a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author & teacher, Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion & integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. Her new book, Enchanted One: The Portal to Love, provides readers with a guide to embracing love in every moment. “Moving into a harmonic union between your heart and mind allows you to embrace life to its fullest.” Sheila is currently offering this giveaway, a $200...
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